Person wiping face with soft skincare pad

SELF-CARE FOR YOUR SKIN: 10 ways to be mindful about your skin’s health in the winter

Taking care of your skin is a year-round job, but it can change with the seasons. Humid spring air will have a much different effect than a dry winter breeze.

If your busy schedule keeps you from caring for yourself as often as you’d like, check out these 10 ways to be more intentional with your winter skincare routine. Anyone can use the following tips, even if time has a tendency to slip away from them.

Create room in your budget

Money can be an obstacle, even for the things you most enjoy. Becoming more intentional with your skincare routine may require carving out room for it in your budget. Estimate how much you spend on skincare products and put money aside throughout the month, so it’s ready when you need to restock. You’ll never miss another day of moisturizing or exfoliating again!

Schedule skincare time

Person wiping face with soft skincare pad

Everyone can take five minutes for themselves. It just requires a bit of planning. Think about when you could find those minutes during your day—maybe first thing in the morning or just before falling asleep. Either way, five minutes is more than enough time to invest in your well-being.

Approach skincare with a self-care mindset

Self-care might seem like a trendy buzzword, but it’s a crucial part of finding happiness. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as a way to maintain your health and prevent disease with minor daily or weekly changes.

Skincare can do both of those things, because it heals minor abrasions that could allow bacteria into your system. It also creates a stable routine for your психическое здоровье. Approaching your winter skincare routine with a self-care mindset could help you prioritize it even when you’re tired or busy.

Add a layer of protection

You might not go outside as often in the winter as you do during other seasons, but it’s still important to protect yourself from the sun. When you’re sledding down a hillside or shovelling snow from your yard, the ultraviolet (UV) rays can still harm your skin. You’ll become more intentional with your winter skincare routine if you keep in mind that it’ll protect your health.

Experts recommend using daily lotions with an SPF of 30 or higher, even if you’re only outside for a few minutes. You’ll have an adequate amount of protection from UV rays and prevent your skin from becoming dry or flaky.

Focus on stress relief

As mentioned, there are many ways in which skincare routines can benefit your mental health. For instance, exfoliating requires repetitive motions that will settle your thoughts. After cleansing and moisturizing, feeling your soft and refreshed skin might also inspire you to take a deep inhale and exhale. This can slow you down and set your mind at ease.

If your skincare routine has never calmed you down before, you might not do enough to take care of your body. Try adding another step to your routine beyond washing your face or applying a facemask once a week, as experimenting with techniques will be fun and restore whatever peace of mind you’ve lost to stress or anxiety.

Verbalize your intentions

When you’re thinking about your skincare routine and decide not to bother with it because your anxious thoughts push it away and inspire you to procrastinate, you’re setting harmful intentions. It’s healthier to set positive intentions instead, and even speak them out loud while you’re taking care of your skin.

Use that time by yourself to talk to your reflection about the goals you’ll achieve or what you want for yourself in general. Hearing your intentions is part of making them last, which means that you’ll finish your skincare routine with renewed focus and encouragement. It could become a new part of your daily life that makes you more intentional about self-care overall.

Research your favourite products

Your skincare habits might not mean much to you because you don’t understand why they’re beneficial. Take a moment to read the labels on everything from your toners to your moisturizers. Research the most prominent ingredients in each product to learn if it’s helping you achieve what you need from your skincare routine. As part of the research process, you may also want to consider each ingredient’s impact on the environment.

If any of your products aren’t offering you what you want, physically or philosophically, replace those ones with alternatives that provide the results you desire. Understanding how your favourite creams and lotions improve your skin is an essential part of becoming more intentional with your winter skincare routine. You’ll know exactly what everything does and feel more motivated to use your chosen products every day.

Co-ordinate with an expert

Consultation at beauty counter in store

Sometimes it’s challenging to develop a skincare routine that feels equally as important as your healthy smoothies or workouts. You might think it’s self-indulgent, but an expert can answer any questions about what’s keeping your skin from thriving.

Schedule a consultation with a local dermatologist or head to a makeup counter at a beauty store. They’ll walk you through their recommended beauty product ingredients and formulas, based on what your skin needs. If you’re interested in finding more products that are friendly to the environment and animals, they can help you with that.

Seeking guidance is another way to become more intentional about something. You’re placing enough importance on your skin to get help, which goes a long way.

Pair up with a friend

Starting a new habit on your own can become more challenging when your discouraging thoughts are louder than anything else. In a situation like this, you might need someone cheering you on as an accountability partner. Talk with your best friend or a close family member, and ask them to start a skincare regimen with you.

If you don’t live together, you can connect through a video call and go through the motions in front of one another every day. It’s an excellent way to try something new with someone you love and cement your skincare priorities into your daily life.

Set daily reminders

It’s so easy to forget even your biggest priorities when life gets in the way. Set yourself up for success by scheduling daily reminders whenever it’s time to wash your face or exfoliate. Eventually, you might not need them at all, but try a few smartphone apps to see which reminders you like the most, and they’ll turn your new habits into a foundational part of your day.

Make your habits stick

It’s fairly easy to be more intentional with your winter skincare routine. Try each of these 10 tips to see what your current routine might be missing, and with time, you’ll figure out exactly how to make your new habits stick and keep your skin healthy—even during the coldest months of the year.

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изображение 1: Pixabay; изображение 2: Tesco PLC

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