woman showing gratitude

DEPRESSION: Its causes and cures—the endocrine connection

Last updated: Март 27th, 2019

Oh, this is too good to not pass on. Just when I’m preparing to write this article on depression, Spiritual Ecology posted this amazing study on Facebook: New Study Finds Most Of Earth’s Oxygen Used For Complaining. No wonder there’s so much depression on the planet!

SEATTLE—Following a multi-year study of atmospheric gases and their role in organic processes on Earth, a team of researchers at the University of Washington reported this week that the majority of the oxygen on the planet is used for complaining. “By carefully measuring the processes of gas exchange, the respiratory capacities of living organisms, and resulting metabolic activities, we discovered that most oxygen molecules in Earth’s troposphere are used for the purposes of sighing, whining and most commonly, complaining,” said the study’s lead author, James Lauderio, who noted that an adult human converts an average of 19 cubic feet of oxygen per day into petty grievances about acquaintances, nitpicking objections about popular media or the weather, criticisms about tasks they are performing, and general fussing with family members. “And while humans are the species most responsible for transforming oxygen into complaints, it’s important to note that other animal life, including mammals, birds and reptiles, also convert massive amounts of O2 into displeased growls and screeches about their habitats and food sources.” Lauderio added that the research team has not been able to determine a verifiable upper limit to the number of complaints that can be produced from a single inhalation, with many human subjects reportedly producing upwards of 40 or more complaints with each breath.

The endocrine connection

Hormones are designed to convey spirits into and through the body temple. They are produced by spirit and not by the brain. Your endocrine system of seven ductless glands is the sole domain of the spirit—your spirit. St. John describes them as “lamps of fire” in his Book of Revelation:

And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices; and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. (Rev. 4:5)

The “throne” in your body temple is your Pineal Gland, the seat of the Spirit of Love. “Fire” is an apt way of depicting the expression of spirit through the human capacity of the heart. The heart самое the capacity for expressing spirit, which issues forth as a flame at times… even as “lightnings and thunderings.” These lightnings and thunderings can be terribly destructive or terribly creative. It’s our choice as to which they will be.

Депрессия is fundamentally about the suppression of energy. In a certain sense, it’s a spiritual event. All energy is love. Love is all that IS. Energy expresses through form, and when that expression is thwarted, suppressed or shut down, pressure builds behind whatever is trying to find expression, which is love or joy. The expression of love and joy allows for release of this energy. Elation is the result. On the other hand, suppression of love and joy prevents the release of this energy. Depression is then the result.

This is fundamentally and biochemically true. It’s also bio-energetically true. The life energy that courses through your body will flow in the direction of your response to environmental events—even if those events are feelings stewing inside your heart and mind. Your response to those events is what determines the production of hormones in your endocrine glands. Those hormones, by design and purpose, will be encoded by the kind of spirit that’s brewing in your heart to deliver your message to your world. That spirit will accurately manifest the thought forms and intentions that you project in your expression. The end result will be your creation и your experience. Look down in complaint and criticism and you will go down. Even your words fall to the ground. And you will become depressed. Your circumstance will deteriorate further.

By the same principle of response, look up in praise and thanksgiving and you will go up. Even your words will rise to inspire and uplift your circumstance rather than cast it down in complaint and dissatisfaction. And you will quickly come out of your depression into elation. That’s the way the principle of response works. We move in the direction of our response. It’s a great principle. We can use it to our advantage or disadvantage, especially when we’re under pressure. Just like the proverbial bar of soap that will pop up or down depending on the direction in which you point it. Look down and go down. Look up and go up. In this principle lies the cause and cure of depression. All other approaches from without are but therapies, which have their use.

Imbalance in brain chemistry an excuse

I frequently hear what I will call the excuse that a person’s depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. This can be so and is the case in what is called “clinical depression.” Brain chemistry imbalance is at the root of such conditions as manic depression and bipolar disorders and paranoid schizophrenia. Well, what system produces brain chemistry? The endocrine system of hormonal glands. Who controls the endocrine system? I do. You do. We control our hormonal output by the spirits and attitudes we harbour and express through our feelings, thoughts words and actions. We’re not victims subject to our brain chemistry and hormones. We’re the masters of our brains and hormones. In the case of depression and all other forms of dis-ease in our body-mind-spirit continuum, we’re their perpetrators not their victims. We victimize our endocrine system and brains. By the same token, we are their saviours and redeemers.

I’m reminded of a story my mentor, Dr. Bill Bahan, used in his whole-health symposiums. This Italian fellow came to work with his lunch box every day. When he opened his lunch box to eat his lunch, he would always complain: “Ugh! Cream-a-cheese sandwiches! I hate-a-cream-a-cheese sandwiches!” Every day, when he sat down with his buddies to eat lunch, he would open his lunch box and exclaim: “Ugh! Cream-a-cheese sandwiches? I hate-a-cream-a-cheese sandwiches!” Well, after several days of hearing the same complaint every day one of his buddies said: “Every day you bring the same lunch to work and complain about your cream-a-cheese sandwiches. Why don’t you have your wife make you a different sandwich?”  To which this fellow replied: “My wife?!  I’m-a-not-a married. I make-a-them myself!”

I’m not suggesting that appropriate medications should not be taken in cases of clinical depression and bipolar disorders of the brain. What I’m offering is an opportunity to look more deeply for the cause and cure of depression. Some say they can’t be thankful and optimistic “under the circumstances” in which they find themselves. To that I would say: “Come up above your circumstances by expressing a spirit of joy and appreciation.” Will it work? You won’t know unless and until you try it. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, to use an old cliché.  The Biblical guidance is: “In all things give thanks.”

Here’s to your health and healing,

[su_panel background=”#f2f2f2″ color=”#000000″ border=”0px none #ffffff” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Dr. Anthony Palombo has been a holistic health practitioner for the past forty-eight years, specializing in health and wellness coaching, nutritional therapy and sacred sound healing. Of the latter he writes: “Attunement with sacred sound provides a carrier wave for the healing current and for consciousness in mending the connection between outer body-mind-heart with inner Source.” Connect with Tony at www.healingandattunement.com.

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