birch tree - healing work

HEALING WORK: Working with nature spirits to help the environment

Last updated: Январь 26th, 2019

Mother Earth is a living breathing planet. When we make an effort to be aware that we are coexisting with her, life takes you on a journey of true connection to ALL of life.

I’ve always been connected to nature, but in the past 10 years I’ve made new friends in природа. I now have a special tree that I call “Grandfather Tree.” This River Birch tree lives next to my meditation balcony. When I moved into this home, Grandfather Tree was not well, had many bag worm infestations and was struggling.

Grandfather Tree supported me emotionally through some very tough times including the passing of my father. It sent me Love and Healing and I felt so much Love that my heart was comforted.

I began talking to Grandfather Tree and listening during meditations and many insights were revealed to me. The Nature Spirits and Angels that look after the tree were giving me suggestions on how to heal the bag worm infestation. No pesticides were used. They said, “Just Send Love to this tree the same way you would send Love to your child.” So, every day I send Love to my dear Grandfather Tree. The bag worms have disappeared and the tree is now thriving.

I thanked the Nature Spirits for their assistance and asked what can I do for you to help Nature heal? They said, we have much work that needs to be done and you dear child can spread the word. So I began working with other animals and plants in nature and they are showing me every day, the healing power of Divine Love.

They inspired me to create a video about Working with Nature Spirits to help others open their heart to connect with ALL of Life and how they too can be a part of this Grand Connection. It’s now a passionate part of my work and the more I do to teach others how to connect, the more Love I feel coming back to help me with whatever I may need. Nature just knows that Divine Love is unlimited and it carries healing to everything it flows through.

Nature and animals have angels to help them just like we do. You can learn to connect with them and find much peace and inspiration. You’ll find that nature will send you Love for no reason and will cleanse toxic energy from your energy field automatically. But the real connection and blessings start to come through when you become aware of this, and send the Love back to them. Then you will experience a fuller, richer meaning to life and how precious it truly is to be here in physical form on the planet.

Mother Earth is currently clearing much toxic energy that has built up over many years. We can all help make the transition and the clearing of these energies easier, by sending Love every day to everything and everyone! Life has meaning when you connect fully into the whole experience and you will be blessed for doing your part in making this world a better place.

Thank you Nature Spirits for all that you do.

[su_panel background=”#f2f2f2″ color=”#000000″ border=”0px none #ffffff” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Master Jenn Royster, D. DIV is a world famous spiritual guide, teacher, and spiritual healer. Her popular services include energy healing and clearing, intuitive readings, crisis support and guidance, Akashic record readings just to name a few. Masters Channel offers life-changing classes on spirituality, self-help and personal empowerment.

изображение: birch tree через Shutterstock

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