
EMOTIONAL STRESS: Recognize the emotions and deal with the stress

Last updated: janeiro 25th, 2019

Emotional stress happens when your negative emotions begin growing out of control and take over your life.

Why do you set things up in your life the way you do? Do you feel like you sabotage yourself constantly, not allowing yourself to feel successful or important?

You have a blueprint of your emotional self that was either given to you, or you created it. Many things in your life add to this blueprint, giving you happiness and joy but there are many things in your life that cause you to feel anxious, angry, or depressed.

Every emotional stress is related to one of these following negative emotions:

1. Fear. Fear is one of your most destructive emotions. It is your being afraid of something, a person, or an action that you don’t want that you are really afraid of. Fear is one of your greatest enemies. But you can work through your fear by harmonizing with God, by gaining Wisdom and Truth. You have to pursue each of these while going through a fear and this will be a large part of your healing and recovery process.

2. Rejection. You feel rejection when you NEED approval. When you don’t feel approval you feel rejection. Do this: work through rejection by declaring yourself important, worthwhile, and needed by yourself and others around you. It’s really true, you just have to look for it.

3. Worry. Worry is a destructive mindset and a negative thought process that will dominate your waking moments. It is related to fear. People who worry will suffer pain and illness. To eliminate worry you must acknowledge what you know to be real and true and spend your thoughts on things in which you find meaning.

4. Anger. Anger is an emotion that comes from your need for power and domination, when you can’t overpower and dominate something or someone. Anger is stimulated by a need for revenge. Anger gives way to hatred and this creates a life of trouble. To become free of anger you must begin by eliminating your weakness of being irritable and feelings of rejection. Every person who feels anger and has the need for power and domination will eventually fall.

5. Jealousy. Jealousy is a character that grows out of vanity and greed. If you are jealous you demand attention from people. Jealousy will weaken and destroy all relationships. When a relationship is full of envy and distrust it is a strong repelling force. Begin moving towards a state of unselfish love to eliminate the jealousy in your life.

6. Criticism. When you criticize people, places, or things you propel the most common form of negative thought. Blaming, judging and condemning lead to criticism. These are all dangerous. Stop it! Criticism leads to destructive habits and passions. You will grow out of criticism when you give happy, positive and encouraging thoughts to yourself and others.

7. Vanity. Vanity is the addictive need for approval and praise of others. It is related to pride. We are full of ourselves. To eliminate vanity you must find true and lasting meaning in your life and some kind of a connection to God.

8. Hate. Hatred is an emotional outgrowth of anger and aggression. Hatred comes from fear. All hatred is disastrous. It darkens the soul, poisons the mind, and inflicts suffering on the body. The opposite of hatred is love. You have to learn to love.

Dealing with emotional stress

There are many other destructive thoughts, feelings and emotions that will bring you stress. These are the most common and the most negatively powerful ones you will encounter. In fact, if you work on just these alone many other negative emotions will fall by the wayside.

To change your emotional blueprint you must first identify the type of emotional stress you are experiencing the most. Then begin recognizing ways to find its opposite emotion and work to bring this into your life. It will if you continue focusing on it.

Be warned!

Unrecognized and uncorrected emotional states will turn into far worse physical and emotional health problems. If you desire love you must set up a place in your being to accept love. You must welcome it and place it in your life. If you have conflicts in your life you need to resolve them. If you have contradictions, saying one thing and doing another, it may be time to clear them out. It may start with forgiveness of yourself and those others who may need it from you.

Life is too short to allow emotional stress to control you anymore. It’s time to create a game plan of action!

[su_panel background="#f2f2f2″ color="#000000″ border="0px none #ffffff" shadow="0px 0px 0px 0px #ffffff"]Dr. Peter Lind is the author of three books on health, one novel, and hundreds of wellness articles. His clinical specialty is in physical, nutritional, and emotional stress in Salem, Oregon, USA.

Image 1: portrait sad stressed young woman via Shutterstock