River - FLEXIBLE FREEDOM - Travel-live to the fullest

FLEXIBLE FREEDOM: Travel-live to the fullest

Last updated: Novembre 7th, 2018

What does it mean to travel? What does it mean to live? Without getting too existential, travel-living is about questioning those two concepts to find a wholistic balance of travel and life that aren’t separate, but integrated. To engage life with flexibility in order to capture the essence of travel: freedom.

What usually keeps travellers on the road is the freedom that comes from having no routine, no expectations, no predictability. The freedom of getting up and doing anything, anywhere. Whether it’s conscious or unconscious, the desire for freedom is innate. It’s humanity’s most powerful inner urge because it connects us to the truth and helps us answer that one all-important question: “Who am I?”

Travel may seem like an activity just like any other. Go here, do this, see that. But it’s far more than the actions themselves. It’s the process, the mindset. It’s through the process of travelling that freedom arises. Mundane acts such as laying on the beach all day can liberate because the choice leads us to a flexible state of mind that says, “A little bit of laziness is OK.” Feats like bungee jumping thrill not because of the 30 seconds of excitement, but because they’ve issued a challenge to open up and face fears. Whipping the laptop out to do some telework while sitting on the back of a fishing boat can liberate simply because it’s not the norm, it’s a change. From country to country, rules vary as widely as the languages between those countries and the dialects within them.

When playing on the field of change, there are no rules. Travel-living is based on the process of expanding the mind to accept change as the only constant in life. With that enhanced flexibility, life possibilities are endless. The freedom to think and do anything naturally leads to a freedom to be anything. Be freedom itself.

Actual travel is just one expression of freedom. To travel-live means to acknowledge the mindset of freedom above all else. When you’re liberated, you’re travelling without even moving. You’re travelling in the space of your own home, free to just be.

image: Kiva Bottero (Creative Commons BY-SA)

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