depressed woman

DEPRESSION: 8 drug-free ways to relieve your symptoms

Last updated: mars 19th, 2020

If you let it, depression can take over your life, leaving you feeling helpless and alone. It’s important to remember that there’s a lot you can do to fight back!

Medication and conventional therapy are both useful tools for fighting depression, but there are other coping skills and techniques you can learn as well. Making positive changes to your lifestyle, your physical activity and even the way you think are all drug-free ways to relieve the symptoms of depression.

How to know if you’re depressed

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We all experience ups and downs in life, but true clinical depression is a mood disorder that should be taken seriously. It’s important to know if you’re truly depressed, or if you’re just going through a temporary state of burnout, discouragement or grief.

If you experience at least five of the following symptoms each day for two weeks or more, you may be experiencing a major depressive episode that requires immediate attention:

      • Sleep issues, such as sleeping too much or too little, or sleeping a large portion of the day away.
      • Irritation or sadness that doesn’t really go away.
      • An extreme lack of motivation to do the things you used to enjoy.
      • Very low self-esteem.
      • Unreasonable guilt.
      • An extreme lack of energy.
      • A lack of self-care.
      • A sharp decline in focus and performance at work or school.
      • Unhealthy appetite changes, such as not eating or eating too much.
      • Panic or anxiety attacks.
      • Suicidal thoughts or extremely reckless behaviour.

8 drug-free ways to relieve depression

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If you are experiencing clinical depression, you should consult with a medical professional for advice.

However, the following coping skills and techniques can help relieve the symptoms of temporary, mild and clinical depression, and they can be used in conjunction with conventional therapies and treatments. For many people, they can reduce or even eliminate the need for prescription drugs, when used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional.


If you are concerned about the potential side effects of the prescription drugs used to treat depression, you may want to consider seeing a qualified acupuncturist. Receiving weekly acupuncture treatments paired with traditional Chinese herbs may reduce and eventually eliminate your need for anti-depressants in a safe and effective way. Acupuncture can also be used to augment any conventional treatments you are already receiving.

Yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation are fantastic ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Yoga teaches body control and controlled breathing to promote a more balanced state of mind. Both Yoga and meditation are great for improving your sense of mindfulness, which makes them wonderful coping techniques for those struggling with mood disorders like depression and anxiety.

Setting reasonable goals

Setting and achieving workable goals will give you a sense of accomplishment while boosting your level of motivation and self-esteem. The goals you set should be under your control and achievable without assistance from others. Shoot for accomplishing small, manageable tasks that won’t feel overwhelming.

Make sure your goals are realistic for you, rather than trying to live up to the expectations of others. And finally, the goals should be measurable so you’ll know whether or not you are actually achieving them.

Don’t compare your progress with anyone else’s. If you don’t achieve a goal, learn from it, move on and start over fresh the next day.

Participating in pleasant activities or events

When you’re depressed, it’s hard to find the motivation to get out of the house, but participating in pleasant activities or events can really give you a mental boost. At first, you might have to work to have fun, but that’s just a symptom of depression that can be overcome with time.

This doesn’t have to involve anything huge. Small things like drawing, writing in a journal or going out to lunch with a friend can all be very uplifting.

Staying engaged in the present

Instead of focusing on things that have happened in the past, learn to stay engaged in what is going on right now. Avoid self-judgment, and if you notice your mind wandering to destructive thoughts, gently nudge it back into the present. It will take time, but eventually, you’ll learn how to beat back those negative feelings before they have the chance to take over.

Exercising and eating a healthy diet

Exercising is a great way to boost your mood, because it temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals in the body called endorphins! Try participating in some form of moderate exercise about five times per week—but you don’t have to go to la salle de sport if you don’t want to. Find an activity that you truly enjoy instead, such as swimming, dancing or simply taking a walk in nature.

While there is no magic diet that cures depression, paying attention to what you’re eating can help you feel more in control. Keeping a food journal is a great way to discover if what you’re eating or drinking is affecting your mood. Stay away from fad or restrictive diets and focus on eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, healthy fats and lean proteins. You can still eat other foods you enjoy, but be sure to practice moderation.

Considering your relationships carefully

Spend time with people who lift you up and make you feel good, and avoid those who bring you down. Some alone time is fine, but make sure you don’t isolate yourself from others, because that will prolong your depression symptoms

Keeping a regular sleep schedule

Finding the right sleep balance is essential to overcoming the symptoms of depression. Keeping a regular sleep schedule establishes a healthy sleep-wake cycle, so it’s best to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Acupuncture, Yoga and exercise are all great ways to combat insomnia.

Final thoughts

Utilizing these drug- free coping techniques can put you on the path towards overcoming your depression symptoms and taking your life back. Even if you are taking prescription medications, making an effort to practice these activities regularly can speed up your recovery and keep your symptoms from lingering.

Avis de non-responsabilité médicale : Cette page est conçue à des fins purement éducatives et informatives et ne peut être perçue comme un avis médical. Les informations ne remplacent pas les conseils médicaux prodigués par les médecins. Veuillez consulter le texte intégral de notre avis de non-responsabilité médicale .

«LECTURE CONNEXE» LA DÉPRESSION MATINALE : Ce que vous pouvez faire si votre dépression est pire lorsque vous vous réveillez»

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