Naked woman curled up on the floor crying


Last updated: April 1st, 2019

Sometimes I cry

Sometimes I cry
but I don’t know why
pushing my feelings deeper inside
until there they no longer reside.
My lips begin to quiver
and my body starts to shiver.
Eyes shut tight to try to stop
the flow of tears that crop
up and creep out the ducts.
In a ball I become tucked
like a baby, with no words
only able to express pain
by weeping night and day.
The reason is unknown,
thoughts continue to flow
racing my brain at full speed
pleading finally to be released.

Sometimes I cry
but I don’t know why
Does this make me weak?
Is it a sign of defeat?
Against my mind I cannot compete.
It has complete control over me.
I ask myself why I bellow in woe
since I am loved and blessed. Though
my sadness sneaks up time again,
about every eight weeks, I pretend
that everything is all right.
The emotions come knocking,
it gets louder until I’m rocking
on the floor of the shower,
my tears disguised by water,
I wail to release the sorrow
and hope it’s gone tomorrow.

—by Sumoora El-Ammoura

Image: Young naked woman curling up on the floor in grief Copyright: Photobac Shutterstock ID: 48191062