We All Have Wings

We All Have Wings

We All Have Wings
Kathy Roberts (author); Dawn Collins (illustrator)
ISBN: 978-1-988245-65-2
46 pages
December 2016
$14.95 | Buy the book»

Ten percent of book sales go towards enabling youth in developing countries to access better educational opportunities. This money is being donated to Build to Learn, an initiative started by The Mindful Word.



A Story the Whole Family Colors

Life is change. Teaching children how to be resilient in the face of change is one of the most important tools we can pass along to the next generation.

By using the butterfly metaphor,a concept many children are familiar with as part of their early learning curriculum, Kathy Roberts and Dawn Collins combine story and art as an entry for creativity and conversation. Reading and coloring together gives story time a new twist; a chance for the whole family to relax  and talk about important things. Change, as they say, is inevitable. Will doubt slow our growth or will wings be our destiny?

In addition to this engaging children’s story, the book also has 46 coloring pages, designed for both adult colorists with detailed imagery and kids pictures with simpler images to color.

Kathy Roberts - bio photo


Kathy Roberts is a writer who lives in one of the prairie states, under skies that go on forever and sunsets that will take your breath away. Sharing this flat Eden with her are three dogs, one cat, four horses and a very understanding significant other.

She publishes her short stories on The Mindful Word and is currently working on a novel to be finished in 2017.

Visit Kathy Roberts’ author page to read more of her work»


Dawn Collins - bio (illustrator)


Dawn Collins comes from a long line of free-spirited, creative women who taught her to believe in hope, to chase down dreams and see beauty everywhere. As she puts it, “Art is in my genes. It’s not what I do, it’s who I am and I love it.” The intention behind her art: “I want my art to bring the viewer peace, love and happiness. I want to encourage the dreams and smiles and whimsy that sometimes gets bogged down under life.

Visit Dawn Collins’ shop to check out more of her work»


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