Angels and demons in battle

DREAM INTERPRETATION: A message from the Superconscious mind [symbols: angels, battle]

Last updated: April 8th, 2019

In our new weekly Mindful Dreams column, Aneta Baranek of the School of Metaphysics is offering free dream interpretations to The Mindful Word readers, as well as articles on dreams in general.

If you’ve ever been curious about deciphering the cryptic contents of your subconscious mind, here’s your chance! If you would like Aneta to interpret your dream, fill out this form. She will respond with your dream interpretation through this column, published every Thursday. Aneta would love to receive more comments for the dreams interpreted. If you can relate to a dream posted here or have any insights to add, you can post them as comments to the interpretation, or email her at


Hi Aneta,

The following event occurred late at night, while I was awake, a few years ago, where I could actually hear a great spiritual battle happening, which I believe were between good and evil angels, or good and evil forces. It was very powerful indeed. It sounded like many good angels knocking the evil angels to the ground with their supernatural power. I only heard it for less than two minutes. It was only a glimpse. It only happened once in my life. But there was a lot happening in that short space of time. The battle was sudden, very loud and noisy, continuous and swift, fierce and intense. I could only hear the battle, but not see it. To get an idea of how the battle would sound in the physical realm, it would be like hundreds or even thousands of people grabbing pieces of furniture, like chairs and banging them forcefully to the ground.

Could this spiritual battle be in the category of a revelation or discernment from God, one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, as mentioned in 1 Cor. 12:8-10? If so, why and what would be God’s purpose?

Thank you,

DREAMER: Female, U.S.


Angels – messages from the Superconscious Mind

Battle – conflict within the dreamer’s mind


Dear Emily,

Thank you for sharing this fascinating event/dream. I would like to approach it from two perspectives. One that is more probable is also more literal when it comes to dream interpretation. In general angels symbolize messages from our Superconscious Mind. Superconscious Mind is the highest level of consciousness one can reach, some refer to it as Christ or Buddha consciousness. The battle between the angels symbolizes the inner battle within you between some thoughts and attitudes that you identify as highest ideals (good angels) and those darker ones, not as pure or divine.

Another approach is to interpret this event as a type of vision you experienced. It sounds like you gained access to the inner levels of mind. The soul, spiritual and angelic realms can be accessed from the inner levels of mind. Some people are able to experience those inner levels after training their mind to do so, and some come equipped with that understanding. Since you mentioned that this occurred only once then I presume this might have been a chance happening. There might have been a form of deep relaxation that took place prior that allowed you to have this vision. It might have also happened after you had a deep spiritual experience through prayer, for example. Do you remember events of that day?


There are two ways to apply this event to your life. Firstly, I would ask myself if I have some fears with regards to reaching Christ consciousness. Do I possibly believe that to reach Christ consciousness I need to struggle? Or do I perceive qualities within myself that I don’t approve of that I believe need to be battled with and overcome by the better and more pure ones? If so, I would adjust my inner dialogue and trust in the essence of infinite love that my being has at its core. The more love and awareness I perceive in myself, the more love and awareness I draw to myself and give to others.

Secondly, as the quote from Corinthians mentions, it’s quite possible for us to attune to the Superconscious Mind and receive visions of the inner world. I do believe that there’s a high probability that this is what took place in this case. This is wonderful as it allowed you to experience firsthand deeper parts of yourself and the Universe. With curiosity I would explore how I could repeat such experience in the future. I would think on it and pray about it knowing that the answers are coming to you.

May your dreams illuminate the inner you…

Image: Angels and demons conflict religious battle war scene via Shutterstock
  1. I been having dreams with angels fighting the reminds this will be my 4th dream with them I also had dream with my guardian angel a couple of times whay does all this mean ?

  2. Hi
    Had a weird dream. I was standing in my front room with my mom and other people. My mom passed away a year ago. Still have lots of dreams of her and it is happy dreams. This one I looked out at the sky and saw a cloud looking like an angel and told the others to look. But then a bright shiny angel shot out of the clouds downwards as if struck down. Followed by many. we were shocked and went outside to look and more just coming down. Now they were all around us. Various faces and shapes of angelic beings. Some had gold marks all over them others were clad in flimsy black clothes. They were beautiful but were hovering and fighting above my house. I felt exhilirated and started to rise us as if flying myself wanting to join the fight. One clad in black saw me and came for me. I stood my ground and he clasped his hands and shoot some small sparks at me and i responded in kind. Then I forced myself with clasped hands to shoot a beam of bright red light out at him. It felt weird and great at the same time. I woke up. It was a vivid dream but felt so real????
    This happened on the 30 October 2019.
    Previously when i was about 10 I dreamed about my school burning down and we were all upset but then this old man with long white beard and white clothes came and a lot of kids surround him walking towards me and I was at ease. He just smiled at me as if to say everything is going to be okay. I am 52 years old. DReam still fresh in my memory as if it was yesterday. Can you please explain these weird dreams.

  3. In 2015 I was labeled schizophrenic because I started having spiritual experiences and the voices started I was afraid I didn’t know what to do I tried to kill myself multiple times but someone always intervened the voices never stop and what I see I can’t separate reality with the spiritual things I see it was April 12th 2am on my birthday I was high off of pcp and mushrooms but that was normal for me been doing it since I was 21 but I had to work at 6am so I went down town Annapolis to sit on the dock and smoke a blunt of marijuana and someone said my name but no one was around I felt something push me I went in the water I couldn’t swim up I gave up all I can remember is there were about 12 people in red and white robes they started throwing stones at me until I was covered something lifted me up I saw the whole world and could hear everything in the world I yelled I love you too the world then I woke up in the hospital the nurse told me a police officer brought me in he found me in a alley near the church but I still heard everything in 2016 I was stabbed badly I’m lucky to be alive i was stabbed 5 times from a fight I was homeless for a year after I was scared I didn’t know what to do I lost everything my life job relationship I was over life I pushed every one away I was a bad snow storm I called out to god for help and I saw the sky open and the planet line up and they came out the sky the demons there black skinny tall dont walk up right with glowing eyes they tell me they are coming to kill me they yell and keep me awake attack me but what scares me the most is the fighting in the sky with the angels and demons it’s so sad because the angels are losing and when they fall out the sky it is loud they have been fighting for 4 years now I live my life in fear the meds help some it dulls the voices and take away the visual but I still see the ancient signs and demons in my dreams

  4. I had a dream last night of a battle, it starts with a beautiful angel with black wings that i was admiring who suddenly turned on me. I however, was saved and told by another angel, a good one, that a war was coming and to take cover. I awakened that night to whispers at 3 am, and was unable to fall back asleep. What does this mean?

  5. @Alex I just had that exact dream experience. It was like they were fighting for my soul. I remember the dream feeling sexual at first with The dark angel who I thought was good but then a golden angel swooped down to fight the dark angel and I was injured by a metal feather from the dark angel. I then felt like I woke up to the golden angel carrying me and who brought me to a place to heal me. I then woke up in real life to my dog looking at me. I could not fall back asleep.

  6. Hi my name is tarah and i had a dream last night about dark angles and good angles about to go to war and I saw jesus’s face in the sky and he was trying to stop it but couldn’t and I saw a heart he made after I talked to him in my dream

  7. My son recently told me about a reoccuring dream he has had similar to this. He opened up to me about these dreams last night, he is very intuitive and has psychic experiences often but he is reluctant to share them. He had this dream four times, the most recent time he dreamt this it happened twice in one night and both times he was so scared he begged to sleep in my bed, after the second time he woke me up in terror I allowed him to but he refused to tell me what he had dreamed the next morning. He described the dream as four angels, each one a different color (purple, green, orange and blue) fighting red demons who overtook the angels and when they fell he heard a loud bell and then experienced blackness right before he woke up in terror. He asked me last night after telling me what it could mean and I promised him I will seek an answer. He just turned 10 and in some ways he knows so much but he still has a childlike understanding of the world. I know that these dreams are significant but I did not expect to find much about them so I am amazed that there are others who have experienced very similar dreams! Is it a glimpse of a real battle between good and evil taking place which effects us on a higher level? There are so many other experiences he has had that show me he is gifted with above average psychic ability, I wonder if the others who also saw this have the same ability. There is too much of a coincidence that others dreamed the same dream and had such an impact on them that they searched for an answer and arrived on this very web page. Walk in light and love as much as you can and take care of each other ❤

  8. Hello my name Manuel I had a dream this morning 11/28/2020 around 3am. My dream was like my body was pulled into the battle field in space I was standing on a space platform wasn’t afraid seeing everything around me there were stars and planet Because I saw thousand of angels with silver armor golden big wings flying all together like a orchestra singing togetherhearing loud voice then I was grab with one of the angel holding on to him holding on tight with the rest of them all together like a force of megnet with bright light going to a dimension. I can still hear the sound of that angel..there was powerful force..

    Sent from myMail for Android

  9. Hi

    I have a dream this morning about army of angels fighting army of demons. Both armies were fighting in the sky then to the ground. I watched the event from a house, then I flied out and fly toward the two armies n trying to stop them and then I wake up. What does it mean. I never have dream of angels or demons before in my life.

    Thank you

  10. I had a dream this morning (23 Dec, 2020). It was a dream full of all kinds of emotions.

    In the the dream, from the parts I could remember, there was/were a woman/women who were chasing after me. I was actually having a normal weird dreams about some cool places with cool air surrounding it, as usual but I was suddenly dragged into another place. That place was like it was facing some kind of war. There was destruction all over. It seemed like a city but advanced.
    There were humanoid type of creatures who were flying (without any wings), looking for me (I felt that they were looking for me) but they didn’t know my appearance exactly. They literally looked like some evil robots from some futuristic movie, they were the color of shades of dark. They were looking all over the vehicles. I thought at first, my mind made some shit up from some my imaginations of those movies.

    But then I was struck by something and I lost consciousness but I regained my consciousness back in a minute. Then I noticed the same humanoids who were all over has white wings (which were not visible before) and the wings were shining from the centre with blue or green light. It was as if I suddenly gotten divine vision or something like that.
    I don’t know how I knew about this but I felt as if they were the ones who were supposed to be the good ones but then realised they were bad (or maybe they weren’t because I didn’t search deeper) disguised as the good ones. They were about to find me. I couldn’t run or move or anything.
    Then someone suddenly came and picked me up and carried me to a vehicle.
    He was wearing a kind of mechanical type of helmet/mask but I could somehow make out his face.
    He had no wings which were visible but I knew he was a higher angel or a god who was a lot higher in rank than them but he disguised himself as normal. He was wearing a black long coat and black pants. His hair was dark black and his eyes were literally shining blue. I was staring at him from the start and he then glanced at me and put me inside the vehicle. He didn’t say a word or maybe I couldn’t hear them.

  11. ** He was a good person who was trying to save me and for some reasons I felt he was a little pissed off because I got myself in a situation like that.

  12. I’ve recently has both a vision and a dream where both angels and demons are preparing to go to battle at the entrance to hell and heaven and I’m confused as to why I’ve had this experience as I’m not struggling with anything but I have recently became more spiritual

  13. I dreampt I was outside and a fallen angel was coming toward me. I was afraid and I hit it with my purse between the legs. Then it bit me on my back and flew away. Then I dreampt about how people were jealous of my brown coat.

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